Book Review from Tony Jones

​Thanks, Tony, for the kind words.

The next big thing! And it’s 2000 years old.

on August 1, 2016

Are you looking for the next big thing to revolutionize and bring revival to the American Christian Church? The book that will drive attendance through the roof? Have you been waiting for a book that will have your innards a flutter, your liver a shiver, and other involuntary, uncontrollable urges?!?!

Yeah, this ain’t that book.

What you will get is sound doctrine. You’ll get Law and Gospel. You’ll come to an understanding of how comforting God’s promises are.

And it’s layman friendly.

If you’re tired of packing your bags for a guilt trip, tired of riding the emotional roller coaster of self assurance, or just curious if your church is teaching sound biblical doctrine, give this book a read. When your eyes are open to the correct handling of scripture, you’ll never rest easier in the Gospel.

Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
Bryan Wolfmueller, pastor of St Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX, author of "A Martyr's Faith for a Faithless World", "Has American Christianity Failed?", co-host of Table Talk Radio, teacher of Grappling with the Text, and theological adventure traveler.